What are sketchnotes? I'm glad you asked . . .
"Sketchnotes are rich visual notes created from a mix of handwriting, drawings, hand-drawn typography, shapes, and visual elements like arrows, boxes and lines"
-Mike Rohde, Author of The Sketchnote Handbook
This concept creates a powerful combination to improve memory and recall, enhance the learning experience, become a great problem-solver, and get better at sharing ideas.
How are sketchnotes created?
Sketchnotes are created in real time while listening to a presentation, meeting or discussion. The main point is to focus on the big ideas, not writing every single word. Remember, it's not artwork - it's working art.
Why sketchnote when you can just write regular notes?
Because sketchnoting engages your whole brain and will help you retain more information.
Think Big Picture
I have countless pages of regular notes from meetings that I have never looked at afterwards. What is the point of taking notes if I am not going to use if for a reference as intended? I was so worried about writing down every single word the presenter said that I missed the bigger picture.
Sketchnotes saved me from boring meetings and allowed me to really think about what I was hearing and how to create quick-drawn, basic images to help me remember. Now when I look back through my notes I have great visual references to easily let me know exactly what the notes on that page consist of. I no longer have to read the whole page to find the information I am looking for.
APRIL 2020
Sketchnote Workshop
Total Duration: 1-hr
Sketchnote Keynote Speaker
Total Duration: 45 mins
Past Events
"Flip to the Future Ready" CONFERENCE
Ocean City, MD
Sketchnoting 101: How to Create Amazing Visual Notes in a Digital Format
Interested in having a sketchnoter (graphic recorder) at your event or conference? CONTACT ME